Consolidation of credit card debt can be a great way to simplify your financial life by putting it into a manageable form and that can take you on a path to a little peace of mind. Dealing with more than one creditor a month, the accompanying paper stuffing your mail box throughout the month, dealing with different interest rates and repayment terms for different credit card companies - all this can be avoided by credit card debt consolidation. And other benefits can accrue as well.
Lowering Interest
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If you enjoy a good credit rating, consolidating puts you in a pretty good position to negotiate a lower interest rate than what you are getting from your credit card companies. If you shop around and look for special offers, you will probably find a company that will offer to consolidate your credit card debt with zero percent interest for a certain amount of time. Often these offers can range up to six months with no interest. Be aware, of course, to check the percentage rate that will be imposed after the introductory time span has lapsed.
Catching Up
Everybody gets a little confused keeping payment dates from multiple credit card companies in mind. Of course, this can result in those unwelcome dinner time calls with creditors calling you and telling you to pay up immediately or else. Gathering all those card debts into one account helps you keep your due date straight and thus quelling those unpleasant telephone calls.
Three Venues
Finding a company to consolidate your credit card debt is not that difficult. As mentioned above, shop around to get the best interest rate and look for special offers. You are in control here. One venue could be getting a home equity loan. One creditor and one bill a month; what could be easier. Check with a bank or other institutional lender and see what assistance they can offer. This could be a good route, especially if your credit score is in a comfortable place. Of course, you could find a finance company with good rates and just deal with them on a one-on-one basis every month.
Consolidating Peace of Mind
As mentioned, it is not difficult to find one lender or another to help you consolidate your debt. Shop, look for good interest rates, be alert for deals, and even negotiate with various lenders, showing them interest rates that other companies are offering and challenging them to meet it or beat it. If you are starting to get harassed and annoyed by multiple creditors, you should probably take a close look at your spending habits and figure ways to cut back. Having only one credit card could turn out to help you keep a handle on your spending. Make sure you are not actually spending more than you can afford due to the facility of having so many credit cards. If your habits are escalating you into an uncontrollable financial situation, consolidation along with fast and appropriate action can rescue you from the jaws of overwhelming debt and credit rating disaster.
So, get on the stick. If you are starting to slide into a situation of having unmanageable debt, or if you are just tired of dealing with so many different accounts - consolidate. You will have better control over your finances and you will have less annoyance and more peace of mine.
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